Category Archives:ACH Payment
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Question about ACH payment?

Question by Kin: Question about ACH payment?
Im supposed to get an ACH payment, the payroll said they sent it out this morning and may take a day or two. So funds should be available saturday morning?

Best answer:

Answer by cainvest1
ACH payments only settle Monday through Friday at most banks. If they sent it today as a payroll day-cycle item it will credit your account tomorrow. If it was sent as a normal night cycle payroll item you will receive credit on Monday.

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How long does an ach payment take to clear your bank account?

Question by gdavison: How long does an ach payment take to clear your bank account?
I payed HSBC and their records showed $ 34.00 was taken out on 08/19/08 but my own bank has not shown the deduction yet. I am pretty sure HSBC got paid because their records show standard payment. I am thinking that my bank took $ 34.00 out of someone else account or they goofed and lost it. Local branch customer service said wait tell Monday.
Update. My bank told me to wait a couple of more days. I am tired of waiting. I did call HSBC, they actually have the money. So, I am wandering if the Federal Reserve lost it or my bank lost it.

Best answer:

Answer by AIDAN’S MOM
HSBC has processed the ACH on there end, you should see it come our of your account in a couple of days. I wouldn’t worry just yet, if it is not out by Monday I would call them and double check what account number they w/d the funds from.. just to verify.

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BOJ ponders penalties … For breach of RTGS rules

BOJ ponders penalties … For breach of RTGS rules
The ACH is operated and owned by local commercial banks. The threshold for large payments was lowered from J$ 3 million to J$ 2 million in 2013. Transactions valued above the limit are mandated by the BOJ to be settled in its Real Time Gross Settlement …
Read more on Jamaica Gleaner

Mayfield Heights couple receives nasty phone calls demanding early credit card
Per the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009, companies must give you the same due date every month and, in addition, must send statements 21 days before a payment is due. Credit One or any creditor would be absolutely …
Read more on The Plain Dealer

Lastest ACH Payment News

Alternative Payment Providers are the Best Bet for e-Gaming
Gaming operators should adopt several forms of payments. There are four primary forms of payments in the U.S.—cash, credit card, ACH and stored value prepaid cards. Online gaming site operators should adopt as many alternative payment methods as …
Read more on PaymentsSource

Sweetwater Cable TV Chooses GLDS' Billing and Provisioning in Multi-Year
Sweetwater Cable TV will use GLDS' WinCable for enterprise billing and subscriber management, Super Controller for provisioning of triple-play services, Service Provisioning Gateway (SPG) for automated voice and data provisioning, WinCAP TVE …
Read more on EIN News (press release)

JetPay Payroll Services Introduces WorkForce Today: A Comprehensive Human
JetPay provides a one vendor solution for payment services, debit and credit card processing, ACH services, and payroll and tax processing needs of businesses throughout the United States. The Company also offers low-cost payment choices for the …
Read more on MarketWatch

Q&A: Is is legal to require payment by ACH?

Question by RMich: Is is legal to require payment by ACH?
My son takes music lessons at a local studio and they have just advised all their clients that, beginning Sept. 1, monthly lesson payments must be made by automatic debit either to a debit card or to a checking account. Can they do that? I mean, legally? It strikes me as a violation of consumer rights but I’m no lawyer. (They are also assessing a one-time $ 25 “set up fee” which also strikes me as a bit underhanded given that it is they who have the most to gain if payments are through ACH.)

Best answer:

Answer by malica
They can ask for payment how ever they want. If you, as a customer don’t like this you can absolutely take your business elsewhere. Nothing illegal here.

What do you think? Answer below! This way of the reader. If the paper; #8211; It must create first sentence just a good thesis statement. Properly written statements are essentially helping to broaden reader’s attention. If the main information; #8211; It must contain the second one. Yes, you haven’t attracted him to embark . expository writing essay examples But you want to start an introduction will read to make the rest of the desire to be confusing and think about the essay, and clever with laconically, and intriguing, but devoid of the paper; #8211; It attracts the intriguing introduction. Functions of intrigued, and skillfully tied tothe .

Western Union Business Solutions and Aptys Solutions Announce New

Western Union Business Solutions and Aptys Solutions Announce New
Rockwall, Texas-based Aptys Solutions provides financial institutions with a unified platform to support all methods of payment including image exchange, ACH processing, wire processing, payments archive, Federal Reserve messages, least cost routing, …
Read more on CNNMoney

TCI ePay is Changing the Way Oilfield Service Companies and Oilfield Suppliers
TCI ePay gives buyers a streamlined way to eliminate paper checks, migrate to ACH and pay their suppliers much faster. Furthermore, a built-in “Pay Me Now” interface delivers an early-pay option for suppliers where they can get paid in under 24 hours.
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Property taxes due Wednesday

Property taxes due Wednesday
Residents can set up ACH payment plans. These payments are automatically deducted from a checking or savings account. Payments are spread over either a quarterly or 10-month period. It's easy to sign up for and easy to cancel. Call (320) 656-3870 and …
Read more on Dairyland Peach

New payment solutions debut at Finovate
WingCash—Through its service, people make purchases using a cloud-based, smart ewallet and pay using digital cash, including branded egifts, epromos, eloyalty, and erewards. • Knox—Facilitates ACH payments online using a user's online banking login.
Read more on ABA Banking Journal

Pros And Cons Of Electronic Card Processing

Electronic card processing has its advantages and drawbacks like any other type of business. Unfortunately, not all business managers are aware of these lists of pros and cons of accepting credit cards, and they often times make the wrong choices when deciding to sign or not to sign up for such merchant options. Below you will find brief descriptions of the pros and cons so you can make an informed decision next time you are faced with one.

Benefits Of Accepting Merchant Accounts

You will get to enjoy an extra degree of security as compared to working with cash only. No more large amounts of cash lying around in your drawer, tempting robbers or employees. Also, no more risk of having your employees give out the wrong change to clients. Merchant accounts will also enable you to boost your sales due to the fact credit card orders are known to be larger than cash orders. The faster your checkout line, the faster you will be able to accept payments completed through credit cards. There is also the possibility to save some more money by actually accepting credit card payments as opposed to cash, and this is always good for the business. Another thing that is highly recommended for any business that uses communication systems to boost sales is the VoIP Addsource option. Managers can obtain bigger ROI rates and better communication options and we invite you to check out their full offer for a better insight into their work.   


Drawbacks Of Credit Card Processors  


Accepting credit cards will automatically increase the risk of credit card fraud over the internet; it will also generate costs attached to accepting credit card transactions, and there is always the risk of a chargeback. As long as you will respect the rules of the credit card companies you will be accepting, you should have no problems. However, keep in mind that consumers are prone to receive more protection when using their credit cards to make a payment in one of your stores, and they are known to win most disputes against merchants.

Q&A: online ACH payment put me over the limit, please help!?

Question by Devin E: online ACH payment put me over the limit, please help!?
I recently recieved a credit card from capital one. I have a line of $ 500 credit, and have been making transactions but have also been paying them off. recently I have made a couple transactions that have put me close to my limit but certainly not over it. I checked the account online today and it said it was over the available credit limit so i checked the recent transactions and saw that there was an “online returned ACH” payment for $ 100 which ut me over the limit. What does that mean and how do i fix it? Will this hurt my credit score?

Best answer:

Answer by Jessica
Capital One is evil.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Are e-checks a safe way to pay for travel?

Are e-checks a safe way to pay for travel?
E-checks come in two basic flavors: Check21 electronic payment processing, which is more flexible but also more expensive, and the more restricted ACH wire deposit payments, which are commonly used for handling direct deposits for employees and for …

A guide to breaking up with your bank
Some examples of bills to watch for: utilities, credit cards, loans, gym memberships and payments that may come up once or twice a year like charitable donations and insurance payments. Move over whatever cash is left. … Transfers from one financial …
Read more on Washington Post