Question by ev1go: Credit card guidlines?
In regaurds to credit card fraud. Are all credit cards protected against fraud? So it doesn’t matter what credit card you have, you can always disbute a bill or a charge to the account?
Best answer:
Answer by Corporate America !!
If someone, other than yourself, had made unauthorized charges on your acct, so long as you reported it after receiving your billing statement, then the credit card company can only hold you liable for no more than $ 50. This is the standard policy across the nation, unless your state has consumer protection laws that protects you from this $ 50 liability limit. Its important to always review the status of your credit card account more often than one month. Although the statement is only mailed out monthly, most (if not all) credit card companies allow you to access the account online, so you can look it over and see if there had been any fraudulent charges made on it. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are favorite targets for fraud. If you have any one of these credit cards, its best to go online twice a week (or more) and inspect for fraudulent charges.
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