Question by wblueyesinvt35: what is the best subprime credit card?
I have been building my credit and i have an aspen card and a continental card what are other good credit building cards?
Best answer:
Answer by TaxMaven
NONE. Geez, you already tanked your credit & now you want to get more BRAND NEW credit cards to trash?! Come on! Credit has not been a blessing in your life so far. I’m not trying to be mean to you. I’ve been broke before, but I learned my lesson. Consequently, I have not opened a credit account of any kind since 2002. I pay cash for everything (even cars) b/c I live on less than I make & save for big purchases & emergencies. You should try it. My freaking house is almost paid for, & I have so much peace about my finances that it scares all my broke relatives. I use Dave Ramsey’s “Total Money Makeover”. At least grab a copy from your local library or bookstore & read it before you go off thinking that you need “good credit” to have a good life.
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