Category Archives:Credit Cards
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Lastest Credit Cards News

5 Best Low-Interest Credit Cards
Many credit union credit cards are just "white label" products operated by major banks through partnership agreements, offering the same features — and similar interest rates to their better-known counterparts. As one of the largest and fastest …
Read more on Motley Fool

Citing spending during Bell's term, Collins says 'no more credit cards' for
Mayor D. Michael Collins took a long look at the credit card purchases made by his predecessor and two other top Toledo officials the past two years, and he came to a swift decision. “No more credit cards,” the mayor said, explaining why neither he nor …
Read more on Toledo Blade

Bank of America near credit card deal with US regulator
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Bank of America Corp is close to settling with a U.S. consumer regulator over the sale of services sold as add-ons to credit cards, sources familiar with the talks said. The second-largest U.S. bank said in an August securities …
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Q&A: Secured credit cards?

Question by ~*BS~MRA~Girl*~: Secured credit cards?
Do secured credit cards improve your credit?

Best answer:

Answer by gvh
I think they do if you pay the card on time everytime.. close will not cut it..continue to ask for a larger line of credit but “do not use it” available credit is one thing they look at. Yo u don’t have to charge big monthly bills.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Q&A: credit cards?

Question by margarito209: credit cards?
is there any credit cards that you qualify for once u turn 18 and dont have any acounts in ur credit history? because im trying to build my credit score… please let me know any store that gives u credit card. thanks!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Jeremy P
I would recommend avoiding ‘store’ credit cards altogether. They usually have extremely high interest rates (23.99%-29.99%) and other hidden fees. You might want to consider a credit card for people with poor / no credit here:

While these offers tend to have higher interest rates and additional fees when compare to ‘standard’ credit cards– you’ll pay much less than a store credit card. Plus, they’ll give you the chance to prove your creditworthiness and improve your credit score.

Eventually… with regular, on-time payments– you’ll be able to apply for better offers with lower APR’s and less fees.

Hope this helps. GOOD LUCK!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

What Parents of Soon-to-Be College Students Need to Know About Credit Cards

What Parents of Soon-to-Be College Students Need to Know About Credit Cards
It did put some needed restrictions on offering credit cards to students. For young adults under the age of 21, they have to show sufficient income before they can be approved unless they have a cosigner. The CARD Act also banned gift giving to entice …
Read more on Forbes

Women stole 000 in cash, credit cards from Kings Island guests
Between June 6 and July 2, the two women allegedly broke into 30 lockers at the Mason amusement park, stealing numerous items including nearly $ 10,000 in cash, credit cards, wallets, cellphones, gift cards, cameras, a Miami Valley Hospital ID and a …
Read more on Dayton Daily News

Credit Card Offers From Retailers Are No Bargain
We all know the drill: you're at the store, ready to pay for your purchases when the associate at the register makes a tempting offer: would you like to open a store credit card right now, and get a discount on what you're about to buy? Depending on …
Read more on International Business Times

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Lastest Credit Cards News

Eiko and her credit card
credit cards
Image by eikootje
On the 24urenloop there was a stand of KBC where you could let them take a picture to put on your credit card. That’s how Eiko received her first credit card! Ok it was a festival credit card but anyway…

Picture taken by Fu.

Robbers grab cash, credit cards near Drake
One of the suspects pulled the victim's shirt and cut it. Police said the victim then handed over his wallet. The robbers took his credit cards and cash before throwing the wallet to the ground and fleeing, according to Des Moines Police reports. No …

Everyday Cheapskate: New uses for old credit cards
Before you cut up an expired credit card – or toss that silly fake one you got as junk mail – consider all the great things you can do with it! 1. BOOKMARK. It'll keep your place and act as a handy straightedge for underlining or highlighting. 2. GLASS …
Read more on Herald & Review

Arrest ends counterfeit credit card scheme
by: COURTESY OF BPD – Beaverton detectives recovered on Saturday nearly 100 counterfeit credit cards Beaverton police detectives have arrested two Miami men who they say were using several counterfeit credit cards to buy merchandise in nearly a …
Read more on Portland Tribune

Credit card breaches keep coming

Credit card breaches keep coming
Now, The Houstonian Hotel, Club & Spa has become the second major local business to announce this year that it, too, has been the victim of a "malicious software attack" that exposed the credit or debit card data of at least 10,000 customers. With …
Read more on Houston Chronicle

Newly-Launched Trucoin Allows Consumers to Buy Bitcoin With Credit Cards
Think about a list of complaints people have when it comes to bitcoin. Surely, one of the items on the list is the inability to acquire the digital currency easily. Having to deal with banks, long transfer times, and other obstacles, it can be a hassle …
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Montgomery County launches broad review of credit card purchses
Montgomery County's inspector general is looking into how well the county controls credit card charges by its agencies and employees. Inspector General Edward L. Blansitt III said the review will encompass the county government, the Maryland-National …
Read more on Gazette.Net: Maryland Community News Online

POLICE LOG: Lower Gwynedd Police investigating theft of credit cards

POLICE LOG: Lower Gwynedd Police investigating theft of credit cards
Police said the female then entered the an office and stole a purse containing numerous credit cards. The cards were immediately used at Macy's Department Store in Montgomery Township, Target in Montgomery Township, a Shell Gas Station, and Rite Aid …
Read more on The Reporter

Bloomington treasurer faces credit card questions
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. – Southern Indiana prosecutors are seeking a special prosecutor to investigate allegations that the county's treasurer made questionable credit card charges during trips to Indianapolis. Monroe County Chief Deputy Prosecutor Bob …
Read more on Indianapolis Star

'Credit card deals for those with good credit could get worse'
Credit card offers could become less attractive for responsible borrowers following the announcement of a review by the financial watchdog into Britain's £150bn credit card market. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) will assess if struggling …

Q&A: Student credit card?

Question by Korey B: Student credit card?
I am looking for a good student credit card to see my through college. Where can I go?

Best answer:

Answer by William S
I’ve linked both a list of student credit cards, and a page about managing your credit. Don’t assume you can only get the student cards, though; as long as you have a good credit rating, you can get good cards even with low income. (I’m a student myself, but none of my cards are student cards, and the limits are decent)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Lastest Credit Cards News

MasterCard and Wal-Mart Partner On Store Branded Credit Cards
After almost a decade of partnership with Discover, Wal-Mart and its subsidiary property Sam's Club have elected to enter into an agreement to make MasterCard their go-to payments network for handling all transactions on its store-branded credit cards.

PayStand Launches Online Payment Service For Bitcoin, Credit Cards And E
Customers, meanwhile, will get informed of the costs associated with each transaction method, ranging from 2.9 percent for a credit card purchase, 25 cents for online check, and no charge for making a bitcoin-based payment. If merchants receive their …
Read more on TechCrunch

Couple on the run wanted for sophisticated fraud scheme
HOUSTON (KTRK) — Harris County Sheriff's Office investigators are hoping the public can lead them to a couple wanted for a sophisticated credit card fraud enterprise involving over 100 known victims.

4 Reasons Why College Kids Need a Credit Card

4 Reasons Why College Kids Need a Credit Card
The thought of your baby going off to college is scary enough. Now picture him or her armed with a credit card! As a parent, your instinct might be to shelter your young adults from the complicated world of credit (and its potential debt downside) as …
Read more on Fox Business

Chip-based credit cards are a decade old; why doesn't the US rely on them yet?
Earlier this week, mobile payments company Square announced that it had developed a credit card reader that will verify purchases from an embedded chip on the card. Currently, US consumers primarily rely on swipe-and-sign credit cards, which give card …
Read more on Ars Technica

Credit, debit or cash? 7 scenarios show when to use each
Credit card issuers watch for fraudulent charges! It's important in this day and age, especially with so many data thefts. If you detect fraud yourself, you can dispute a charge and get it reversed quickly thanks to credit card issuers' "zero liability …

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