Does Bellagio use the services of a high risk merchant account provider like online casinos?
High Risk & Low Risk Merchat Services

Does Bellagio use the services of a high risk merchant account provider like online casinos?

high risk merchant account
by lisby1

Question by Phoenix: Does Bellagio use the services of a high risk merchant account provider like online casinos?

Best answer:

Answer by Lola J
Online casinos, unlike Bellagio and Caesar’s Palace, need to acquire casino merchant accounts offshore. Why? Because they will find it difficult to operate and handle all those credit card transactions without the help of a reliable payment gateway. Bellagio employs thousands of workers while an online casino may be manned only by a few staff. As long as it has an efficient high risk credit card processing infrastructure, it can easily match the profit that land based casinos like Bellagio can make. Not including the profit on hotel and attractions, of course. – This excerpted from an article I read: “Online Casino Merchant Accounts for Legit Poker Rooms”

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