how do i MAKE a payment gateway?
High Risk & Low Risk Merchat Services

how do i MAKE a payment gateway?

Question by TheHermit: how do i MAKE a payment gateway?
okay don’t be so quick to judge.. i understand its not easy and its gonna take a LOT of work.. but it seems like the internet doesnt want me to know the answer to that! i could find NO sources for this.. ok lemme split this questions into sub-questions so its easier to answer (..?)
* is there any reading material for this?
* how much investment are we talking here?
* is there a proper tutorial that gives any pointers?
* on a scale of one to ten how retarded do u think this question is.. as in how hard is this gonna be for a good PHP programmer (me)

thanks in advance!
and we could do without the wisecracks thank u!

Best answer:

Answer by Shedy G
if you that stupid why ask its a10

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